Teen Kayak Camp

Kayak Camp incorporates outdoor skills and adventure travel in sea kayaking, wilderness survival, outdoor skills, leadership, and community building.
Core Curriculum
Our Mission; to empower youth to grow as outdoor enthusiasts, community members, and caretakers of the planet.
To help us get there we incorporate the following in to every day of the course
Activity & Physical Fitness - Exercise and skill building in the outdoors.
Knowledge - Map & compass, natural & cultural history, edible plants and experience with various outdoor recreation activities.
Teamwork - Living and learning together. Discussions. Pushing comfort zones, and mentoring others.
Reflection - Time at the end of day for checking in and discussion. Appreciation circle. Journaling. Solo time.
Structure & Culture - There is a big difference between 'just doing stuff' and creating a culture of growth. Daily tie-ins and group building activities. Positive communication experiences, inspirational stories, quotes, and sharing.
Sea Kayaking Skills, Safety, and Rescues
Kayak Camping Adventures within the Apostle Islands
Outdoor & Wilderness Survival Skills
Map & Compass Navigation
Natural & Cultural History of the Northwoods
Wilderness First Aid Training
Kayak Camp Is For Ages 14-16
Our mid-teens are some of the most formative years of our lives. It's the ideal time to learn and practice leadership and mentorship. Leadership is the ability to anticipate and act. Self-leadership pertains to ones ability to be self aware and make decisions that will have a healthy impact on their own lives.
Participants should be between the ages of 14-16 years old at the time of camp start, have a parent/guardians approval, and be medically self-sufficient. (No medications that counselors would need to administer, no allergies or medical issues that would preclude them from being safe in fairly strenuous outdoor environments, etc. Please contact us with questions.)
Camp Schedule
For 2025 we're offering 3 day and 5 day options. The 5 day option includes a 2 day 'Final Expedition', travelling and camping via sea kayak.
Day 1 - Meet at 9am
Opening circle. Introduction and familiarization. Camping skills. Outdoor skills. Traditional skills project. Camp cooking. Stories of the land, water, and people of the area. Our stories.
Day 2
Outdoor skills. Traditional skills project. Navigation. Kayaking skills. Paddling day trip. Camp cooking. Learning who you are and how you fit in.
Day 3
Kayaking skills. Learning the waters. Outdoor skills. Camp cooking. Finding your place in the story. Say farewell to our 3 day participants
Day 4
Paddling overnight trip start. Outdoor skills. Camp cooking. What you can do with your story.
Day 5
Kayak trip return. Outdoor gear care. Gathering the stories and spreading them. Closing circle.
2025 Camp Options
July Dates Coming Soon (3 days) $465
July Dates Coming Soon (5 days) $725
With scholarships available.
View Reservation & Cancellation Policies (Kayak Camp follows 'overnight & camping reservation' policies.)