Lost Creek Outdoor School
Our mission is to share outdoor knowledge & skills, and help participants develop confidence and competence in the wilderness, with hands-on classes and expeditions.
Our Core Curriculum is part of every experience:
Building Foundational Knowledge To really know a skill you must know how to do it from scratch; how to gather the materials, sharpen the blade, and make the tools needed to replicate the skills after you go home.
Connection To The Natural World We interact with the world to gather and create. Hands-on is the BEST way to learn about the natural world and our place in it. (Sorry, no Zoom classes)
Self-Reliance and Resiliency You will learn what you can do without a lot of fancy tools or money, and with the ability to continue learning on your own. Gain the mental toughness needed to work through problems as they arise. In short, these skills change how you think about problems and challenges in all aspects of your life.
Connection To Others Self-reliance is only half of the puzzle. All of our activities strive to build a social network with people of similar interests. It does no good to learn a skill when you can't share it with others.
Felted hat workshop
Knife making workshop
Youth camping and bushcraft expedition
Felted hat workshop
For current course options & dates see our Calendar
Course Options
Ed-venture Series - Short meet-ups where we share, learn, and have fun. Low to no cost gatherings as well as custom private group offerings.
Survival & Earth Skills Courses - "The more you know the less you need." These are immersive classes and expeditions focusing on getting in touch with the basics. Our courses are empowering and fun, and you end up learning just as much about nature as the skills of shelters, fire making, food, and staying found in the wilderness.
Snow Camp - A workshop focusing on being comfortable camping in the cold. More information and registration link coming soon.
Wilderness First Aid - Skills everyone should know when travelling in areas where medical care is far away.