Apostle Islands Sea Kayak Rentals
For those with limited SEA kayaking experience, we highly encourage you to take a guided trip with us before renting and going alone. A guide has experience and safety training who will teach you paddling skills and trip planning along the way.
Ready to head out on your own? We provide high-quality, well-performing sea kayaks for your journey. We wouldn't like to paddle a bathtub, and assume you wouldn't either! Our boats are simply the best on the market for what we do. For first-timers we recommend renting tandem kayaks due to greater stability and with two paddlers you'll make faster progress in wind. Please note that For safety reasons we do not rent to solo paddlers. It is always better to have a buddy!
We require that every paddler take our Introductory Safety Course, or a comparable course from a reputable organization before we will rent you sea kayaks. You must have taken this training within the past 5 years.
Packages include the kayak, paddles, life jackets, wet-suits, spray skirts, paddle float, bilge pump, and sponge, plus one spare paddle per group. Shuttles are extra.

Single Sea Kayaks
*Renting Singles - Read This First*
Due to current park service rules outfitters cannot transport rentals within the park. Therefore if you are renting you must either transport equipment on your own vehicle, or if we transport your gear you will need to start and end your trip in Cornucopia or Bayfield.
Please contact us with questions prior to requesting a rental.
Single sea kayaks provide individual freedom, but are less stable than a tandem.
Wilderness Systems Tempest 165 & 170. Small and medium sized options. Skeg. Day hatch.
Current Designs Storm For medium to large size paddlers. Rudder.
Current Designs Squall For small to medium paddlers. Rudder.
Wilderness Systems Tsunami 160 For small to medium sized paddlers. Rudder.
Wilderness Systems Tsunami 165 For medium to larger sized paddlers. Rudder.
Wilderness Systems Tsunami 175 For larger paddlers. Lots of storage. Rudder.
Wilderness Systems Focus 15 A shorter kayak with lots of leg room. Rudder.
Wilderness Systems Focus 155 The next size up from the 15. Rudder.
P&H Scorpio II medium volume expedition kayak. Skeg.
P&H Delphin II 155 "Ocean Play" (surf & rock play) boat with enough room for day trips and shorter overnight trips
P&H Leo LV Fun-size touring kayak for small to medium paddlers. Skeg.
$70 per 24 hours
Rentals exceeding a 24 hour period by 8 hours or less will be charged an additional $40. All rentals must be returned by 5:00pm.
Will you need a shuttle?

Tandem Sea Kayaks - Fiberglass
*Renting Tandems - Read This First*
Due to current park service rules outfitters cannot transport rentals within the park. Therefore if you are renting a TANDEM you must either transport the equipment ON A TRAILER (minimum 8 foot span) or if we transport your gear you will need to start and end your trip in Cornucopia or Bayfield.
Please contact us with questions prior to requesting a rental.
Tandem kayaks have greater storage capacity than single kayaks and are more stable. We recommend all renters have at least one tandem on every trip for safety and to aid with packing.
Seaward G3 Comes with nice center hatch for gear or a small person. Rudder.
Seaward G3xlc Same as the G3 but with larger rear cockpit size for larger or taller paddlers.
Seaward K2 Same length as the G3 but without a center hatch.
$130 per 24 hours
Rentals exceeding a 24 hour period by 8 hours or less will be charged an additional $90. All rentals must be returned by 5:00pm.
Will you need a shuttle?