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Repairing Steger (and other) Mukluk Soles

Writer's picture: Greg WeissGreg Weiss

Updated: Oct 4, 2024

A few finished Mukluks

When I asked the maker of my mukluks if they would resole my otherwise healthy footwear they said "no". When I asked If they would tell me what they used to coat the bottom so that I could repair them myself they said "no". I'm not sure what the big secret is. Within a few years the material that they use becomes sticky, picks up dog hair, and stains whatever it sits on. So I had a choice; buy new ones, or resole them somehow.

Over the years I've tried several methods of resoling mukluks and other types of shoes. Once I found something that worked I created this page so that others could resole their own mukluks. Once I realized that few people wanted to do the work themselves I started a side business resoling mukluks. After repairing approximately 130 mukluks I have the process down pretty good!

This page will show you the general process of how I do what I do, but there are a lot of nuances to getting it right which I can't cover in detail. You just have to give it a try!

First you need to repair damage

Your house is only as stable as the foundation it sits on. If you've been procrastinating putting on your new sole you may find that a hole has formed at the toe or heel. No worries! The easiest way to make a good fix is to turn the mukluks inside out, take a piece of leather scrap, cut it to into a rounded patch, and use contact cement to glue it on. I like using glue rather than sewing because there are no lumps to deal with. Almost all shoes use some type of contact cement to attach the soles, so you shouldn't have any issues with this simple repair. Once the glue is cured, turn the mukluk right side out again. Good to go.

Toe patch

Both of these mukluks have a hole in the toe. One has been repaired, and one is inside out to show the patch done with contact cement.

5200 Resole

Pros: Very strong sole material. Easy to apply. Best method if your soles have gone beyond sticky to the "goopy" stage where you can pull pieces off.

Cons: Slippery on wetter/warmer snow if you don't have some type of tread material on the bottom. I've also heard that other materials have a hard time sticking to it, (When you need to patch) and it will never come off if you spill some on your uppers!

This method will describe using a strong caulking material (3M 5200) to create a new sole on your mukluks. Though it will not be like the original, it will be tough and work well. How good it looks at the end depends upon your patience and care.

To do this resole you’ll need:

  • 3m product 5200 in the color of your choice. (I like black). You can get this in several sizes. You’ll want the 10oz option for most Mukluk soles, so that you have enough material to build up the warn sole.

  • Vented work space. The fumes are not healthy so you’ll want to do this somewhere outside or in a work space vented with a fan.

  • To clean the soles of any loose material and dirt. If you applied "shoe-goo" or similar you will want to get it off, or at the minimum rough it up with 60 grit sandpaper.

  • Masking tape

  • A small plastic or wood spreader.

  • A stiff bristled small paint brush. I prefer using a flux application brush like for soldering copper plumbing. I find them in the hardware store.

  • Time. It takes several days to fully cure.

  • A work platform (see photos)

  • Wax paper or plastic sheet to set them on.

  • Ground up tire rubber for traction.

Step 1: Clean, Dry, and mask I just scrub with soap and water and a brush. Let dry completely. Then clean with rubbing alcohol to help clean any oils off from your hands, etc.

As an additional step (I recommend it) you can clean off old rubber and stubborn stains/dirt with a wire brush. This is what I would do to best insure a good physical bond between the old and new material. You may also want to use a lint roller to get off any hair.

Mukluks on work stand. Ready for wire brushing

Steger mukluk sole melting with shoe goo "repair".

Typical of Steger Mukluks, these soles have started to melt. Shoe Goo is seen on the edges. This eventually peels off and looks like a bad skin disease.

Now mask the areas that you don't want to get new material on. You can use duct tape, but I use blue painters masking tape and it works well.

Step 2: Apply Dispense the 5200 onto the soles, and a hard spatula tool to spread it around on the sole only at first. It may run if you spread it on too thick, so if you have holes/gaps you want to fill you will need to do that first, then come back later and see if you can apply more without it running.

Laying a thicker amount of material on the heel.

Step 3: Sides: Once the sole is done to the thickness that I want I start on the sides. Now you have had some time to get a feel for the medium, which you will need to make sure drips and runs don't happen on the sides. I use a stiff spatula or popsicle stick to spread material up the sides from the bottom, pretty much as thin as I can get it. (So the bottoms may be 1/4" think while the sides are 1/16")

Step 4: Tread. I’ve found that when only used in very cold conditions the 5200 grips and I don’t need tread. However when stepping out of a warm house onto snow, or in snow 25 degrees F or above it can get very slick, so I recommend using a tread material.

My favorite tread is to dip the freshly applied sole in shredded tire rubber (see below tire method) In this way you can have the 5200 strength and color coming up the sides, while also having the grip of the tire sole on the bottom. Best of both methods! Don't have tire? You can buy some from me (see the end of this article) or maybe you can find a substance that will work to grind up and apply.

Painting 5200 up the sides to finish.

Step 6: Dry

Drying mukluks
Using a wood stove to help speed the curing process along. (An old picture showing the curing WITHOUT tire rubber applied. Again, I recommend applying a tread.)

A finished pair of Mukluks using the 5200 method, tire shreds on the bottom only.

Tire Rubber & Barge Cement Resole

Pros: Very easy and forgiving to apply.

Cons: A bit stiffer than the 5200 when cold. Glue fumes.

To do this resole you’ll need:

  • Shredded tire granules. You will want to strain and use the smallest bits for your mix. I use a kitchen colander to do this. Save the large bits for the mukluks to sit in when drying.

  • Barge cement

  • Foam brush. 1" works well. You may need two if you let it dry out between coats.

  • Ventilated work space. You’ll want to do this somewhere outside or in a vented work space due to the fumes released.

  • A spreading tool like a butter knife or wood applicator.

  • Masking tape

  • Time. 2 days to a week to fully cure depending upon temperature.

  • Optional:

  • A work platform (see photos for examples)

  • Wax paper

  • Tray with sides. Nice for catching rubber material as you work.

Step 1&2: See 5200 method for cleaning and preparing your mukluks

Step 3: Prime the surface

Prime the surface to be coated with barge cement and foam brush and let dry.

I will "prime" the soles of these mukluks with Barge cement

Step 4: Mixing

You will be making a thick paste of tire rubber and Barge cement that should not run. You can play with the amounts, but essentially you want to be able to spread it with your tools fairly easily, without it being runny. DON'T use thinner for this mix. If you want it thinner, just add more glue.

Step 5: Application

With a paint stirring stick spread the goop on in as even a layer as possible... 1/4 inch thick.

I do the soles first, then thin what is left with more Barge cement and come back and spread up the sides. I then sprinkle dry rubber over the entire sole.

Step 5: Let Cure

At least 48 hours. Viola! Finished tire resole.

Resole Services (Update as of 10/2024)

I used to offer a mail in service, but have retired from doing so. I am currently taking a waiting list for a DIY 'kit'.

This kit is not available now, because during the pandemic prices went so high for the materials that I either had to charge too much, or order enough for 200 at a time. This kit may be available in the future, if I get enough interest. If you are interesting in the kit option please email me at and I'll put you on the list. If unsure whether your mukluks are good candidates you may also include photos and I'll give you my 2 cents.

The Kit Would Include...

Mukluk Resole Kit 10oz of 5200, 1/3 quart of sifted tire 'sand', (for sides of sole) 1/3 gallon of larger tire pieces, (for bottoms) & shipping within the USA via priority mail.

"Save Your Sole" video, a how-to, do it yourself guide to repairing your old worn out mukluks and other soft-bottomed boots.

Most Recent Reviews...

"I got the boots a couple of days ago. Oh my gosh, they are awesome. I wasn’t quite sure how the black (recycled!) bottoms would look with the dark suede tops, but they look great! Kind of punk/goth maybe! Like now I am one of the cool kids! Anyway, so far we have no snow, but when we do I will wear them, and try them with my snow shoes, etc. I am incredibly happy that you could help me “repurpose” and not toss my beloved Mukluks. Well done."

"As it turns out, it snowed overnight and i have been happy wandering the land in warm boots. They look Beautiful and are indeed in awesome shape. I am so very appreciative of your work and the diligent care you took to resole these. Again, my sincere respect for how you do business: communication is swift and clear, product service is solid and of high quality, and your integrity speaks through every contact we have had. Makes life on the other end of the transaction very easy!"

"I meant to write much sooner -- thank you so much for the mukluk resole. They are beautiful. I gave them to my friend for Christmas and it was so special that she could have her mom's mukluks repaired. I'm so grateful that I found your website and that you could help bring them back to life. I do have some family members that need mukluk repair, so I'll be sharing your website with them. I hope you and your family had a wonderful holiday!"

"Wow! I rec'd the refurbished mukluks today and they look amazing. Thank you so much. I face-timed my daughter in Boston to show her the results and she was ecstatic and cannot wait to try them out. You did great work and I would certainly recommend your service to anyone with boots in need of repair."

"Hello Greg - MANY THANKS TO YOU! My mukluks arrived today and I am thrilled with the results! I will happily recommend you to anyone I can. I just walked around outside with the dogs, shoveled some snow, walked on the lake and basically gave them some quality time outside :-) Thank you again, and I wish you a very Merry Christmas and all the best in 2021 - stay safe!"

"Got them.  Both pairs look and feel great. I'm grateful to you for being a fixer-of-things.  We need more folks like you in our throw-away world. I have tried to throw away my shoes for the past three years, but couldn't bring myself to do it. Now I know why! Also, funny anecdote.  We try to eat healthy, local, organic.  About 11 years ago I asked for those mukluks for Christmas.  I showed a picture of them to our 6 year old and asked if he might like to get them for me.  He responded, "they look pretty good, but are they organic?". Yes, I told him, they're about as close as you can get with boots! Thanks for saving my organic boots."

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