We have guests who underestimate their abilities and those who overestimate their abilities. We get people who want to push themselves and those who want a leisurely day on the water. How do we decide who to include on which trips? The answer is simple; We don't! You do. (At least for the most part.)
Since reality is that we don't know you or what you are capable of we try to describe our trips the best that we can, and hope you will choose wisely. There are a few things to keep in mind though.
1. Pushing physical abilities.
A guided trip is not necessarily the time to push your limits. If you cannot keep up or complete the trip you are potentially putting others in danger. If you want to be pushed try an easier trip and paddle harder. Do circles around the group if you feel up for it. If you don't know your limits don't try to find them the very first time you get on the water.
2. Don't underestimate yourself.
If you are in reasonable shape and have no distracting physical impairment you should be able to accomplish ANY of our trips..
3. Mental ability & understanding of instructions
If you or someone in your group has a mental impairment that could affect others on a trip we should be made aware of this prior to you signing up. We need every paddler to be willing and able to follow instructions. This category could also apply to participants with English as a secondary language, or to those of a younger age with issues regarding being able to focus on instructions.
To help you choose here is a quick run-down of our guided trips from less to more difficult.
Total beginner - Romans Point trip or sit on top rental.
Stand Up Paddleboard rental. (Rentals can of course run from super-easy to very difficult, but since it's your choice on how far and where you paddle, we rate this just a bit more difficult than sit on top rentals.)
Overnight kayak camping - Sand Island Overnight
Sand Island in a Day tour. We rate this more strenuous than the day trip because your paddle is all within one day. 9-10 mile paddle.
Overnight kayak camping - Oak Island Overnight. 6 to 10 mile paddle.
3 day overnight kayak camping trip. Some days may include up to 15 miles, but usually stay within 12 miles.
4+ day overnight kayak camping trip, etc. Some days may include 15+ mile paddles